Welco Packaging

Welcome to the Welco Packaging

Adhesive Tape Industry

The adhesive tape industry relies on a range of paper products to create strong and reliable tape products. At Welco Packaging, we offer a variety of paper core and tube products that are specifically designed to meet the needs of businesses in the adhesive tape industry. Our products are made from high-quality materials and are designed to be efficient, reliable, and cost-effective.

Paper Tubes and Cores

Our paper cores and tubes are an essential component in the adhesive tape manufacturing process. They are used to wind and store adhesive tape products, ensuring that they remain protected and organized throughout the production and distribution process. We offer a range of sizes and strengths to meet the specific needs of your business, including custom sizes and shapes.

Kraft Paper Tubes

Our kraft paper tubes are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic tubes, making them an ideal choice for businesses in the adhesive tape industry that prioritize sustainability. They are made from high-quality kraft paper and are designed to be strong and durable, providing reliable protection for your adhesive tape products

Cardboard Sheets

Cardboard sheets are often used as a protective layer between layers of adhesive tape products during shipping and handling. At Welco Packaging, we offer a range of high-quality cardboard sheets that are designed to be strong and durable, providing reliable protection for your adhesive tape products. We offer custom sizes and shapes to meet the specific needs of your business.

At Welco Packaging, we understand the unique needs of businesses in the adhesive tape industry. Our high-quality paper core and tube products are designed to help your business run efficiently and effectively, ensuring that your adhesive tape products remain protected and organized throughout the production and distribution process.

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